Amethyst Orgone Pendulum


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Orgone, also called Orgonite, is the Universal Life Force, Chi, Prana, Ki, Mana, Universal Energy—the basic building block of all organic and inorganic material on the planet and the universal energy that is present in all living things. These Orgone pendulums are made from a mix of gemstone chips, metal filings, and epoxy resin, resulting in a highly efficient energy transmutation tool. Negative energy is absorbed and transmuted into positive energy while emanating the energy of a set intention.

Amethyst is a natural stress reliever that encourages inner strength, spiritual growth, and protection. It brings you clarity of the mind and helps you to become more in tune with your feelings so that you get to know yourself on a much deeper level. Amethyst crystals repel negative energy and attract positive energy, making them a wonderful protection stone.

There are many ways to use a pendulum, the most common is communicating with your spirit through your guides or higher self by asking questions. Your pendulum will need to be programmed the first time you work with it. Start by keeping your pendulum close for a few days so that it can soak up your energy. Next, relax, clear your mind, and connect with your pendulum by holding it close to your heart.

Programming your pendulum establishes cues for “yes,” “no,” and “maybe.” Using the hand that feels most comfortable, hold the pendulum between your thumb and index finger with your elbow slightly bent. Next, decide and demonstrate which cues represent “yes,” “no,” and “maybe,” for example, side-to-side, front-to-back, clockwise, or counterclockwise. Once your pendulum is programmed, verify the cues by asking it questions you already know the answer to. If the answers are not accurate, your pendulum will need to be reprogrammed.

When working with your pendulum, allow the natural vibrations of your body to move through your hand to the pendulum so it can show you the answer by amplifying the subtle vibrations from your subconscious, causing the pendulum to swing. Ask a question that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” response and observe the cue. Once you’re ready to move on, clear your pendulum by placing it in your opposite palm. Keep your pendulum in a safe place when it’s not being used.

Pendulum Length: Approximately 1.5 inches, Chain Length: Approximately 6.5 to 7.25 inches

All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused.

Note: The listing is for one (1) specimen, and the photo is a representation of the product that will be intuitively chosen just for you. Natural products vary in size, color, and shape. All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.