Pink Optical Calcite Rhombus


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These Pink Optical Calcite Rhombus pieces are stunning! 

Optical Calcite is the amplification crystal, promoting peace, balance, and happiness. It is a wonderful clearing, double refractive crystal that sends your energy and light out in two directions, east and west. Optical Calcite can be used to help enhance your clarity and intuition. It also removes negative energy and increases positive vibrations! So many of these beauties are full of rainbows and their energy is just beautiful!

Pink Calcite is a powerful healing crystal that is medicine to the heart, bringing serenity and peace! Its soothing energy reminds you to love yourself and accept the love of others. Use Pink Calcite if you're seeking emotional and spiritual healing. The nurturing energy of Pink Calcite is a wonderful tool for healers and energy workers because it helps you create a strong, energetic connection to your clients.

The rhombus, also known as a diamond, symbolizes cycles, vortexes, and the intersection of the Divine and Earthly planes. The rhombus's dual acute and obtuse angles create a sense of rotation, which symbolizes the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.

Approximate measurements: 1"-3"

$5: 10g-20g

$9: 30g-40g

$11: 50g-70g

$13: 80g-110g

$17: 115g-145g

$22: 150g-175g

$25: 180g-200g

$30: 210g-230g

$33: 260g

All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused.

Note: The listing is for one (1) specimen, and the photo is a representation of the product that will be intuitively chosen just for you. Natural products vary in size, color, and shape. All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.