Smoky Quartz Heart || Madagascar


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Smoky Quartz is great for grounding and transmutation of negative energies by releasing anything that no longer serves you. It increases practicality, organization, and helps in manifestation of one’s dreams and inspiration. Smoky quartz is perfect for the root chakra and raising vibrations during meditation.

Approximately 2.5"-4.5"

$28: Approximately 150g

$38: Approximately 210g

$42: Approximately 220-230g

$48: Approximately 270g

$52: Approximately 290-300g

$56: Approximately 320g

$63: Approximately 350g

$78: Approximately 600g

$88: Approximately 670g

All items are cleansed, charged and Reiki infused.

Note: The listing is for one (1) specimen, and the photo is a representation of the product that will be intuitively chosen just for you. Natural products vary in size, color, and shape. All crystal uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education.